Dra. Carmen Lucia Queiroga

Possui graduação em Química pela Universidade de Campinas, mestrado e doutorado na área de produtos naturais – fitoquímica e síntese orgânica pelo Instituto de Química (UNICAMP), sendo parte do doutorado realizado na Alemanha – Georg August Universität Göttingen (bolsista DAAD, 1989-1990). Desde 1996 é pesquisadora do Centro Pluridisciplinar de Pesquisas Químicas, Biológicas e Agrícolas (CPQBA) da Universidade de Campinas. Foi gerente da Qualidade do CPQBA-UNICAMP (06/1999 a 04/2003) e responsável pela DQPN (05/2014 a 08/2015). Atua na área de Química de Produtos Naturais, onde desenvolve pesquisas com extratos de plantas e óleos essenciais. É especialista no isolamento de biomoléculas com ênfase em purificação por cromatografia contracorrente (HSCCC – High Speed Counter Current Chromatography). Entre outros projetos destacam-se o estudo de tensoativos naturais, óleos essenciais e resinas. Tem coordenado projetos financiados pelo CNPq, FAPESP e PETROBRAS. Atualmente é responsável pela Divisão de Química de Produtos Naturais (DQPN).
- PhD in Organic Chemistry - Synthesis of Natural Products (IQ-UNICAMP 1994);
- Master in Chemistry of Natural Products - Phytochemistry (IQ-UNICAMP 1989);
- Chemistry (1986) - Institute of Chemistry (IQ) at University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
- Pesquisadora na área de Produtos Naturais (1996-atual);
- Phytochemical study of medicinal plant extracts, essential oils and oleoresins;
- Co-orientadora de alunos de Pós-Graduação (2013 - atual);
- Isolation of bioactive compounds from plant extracts, essential oils, oleoresins and microbial broths;
- Fractionation/purification of samples by multiple chromatographic techniques (TLC, Column Chromatography, others) and different adsorbents (silicagel, sephadex, others);
- Gerente da Qualidade do CPQBA/UNICAMP (06/1999 a 04/2003).
- Chemistry of Natural Products;
- Phytochemistry;
- Counter Current Chromatography (HSCCC).
- Study of essential oils: extraction, fractionation and compounds identification.
- Isolation of bioactive compounds;
- Development of methodologies for the purification of bioactive compounds;
- Study of Natural Surfactants by surface tension and interfacial tension measurements;
- PhD in Organic Chemistry - Synthesis of Natural Products (IQ-UNICAMP 1994);
- DAAD sandwich scholarship – Institut für Organische Chemie, Georg August Universität – Göttingen, Germany (1989-1991);
- Master in Chemistry of Natural Products - Phytochemistry (IQ-UNICAMP 1989);
- Chemistry (1986) - Institute of Chemistry (IQ) at University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
- Produção de extratos de plantas medicinais com foco na classe química dos compostos bioativos;
- Phytochemical study of medicinal plant extracts, essential oils and oleoresins;
- Isolation of bioactive compounds from plant extracts, essential oils, oleoresins and microbial broths;
- Fractionation/purification of samples by multiple chromatographic techniques (TLC, Column Chromatography, others) and different adsorbents (silicagel, sephadex, others);
- Extraction and study of the chemical composition of essential oils by GC-MS;
- Extraction, purification and study of biosurfactants and saponins by surface tension and interfacial tension measurements;
- Purification and or isolation of bioactive compounds by High Speed Counter Current Chromatography (HSCCC) from 0,2 g to 1,0 g of samples in one step without adsorbents (liquid-liquid partition or liquid-liquid extration);
- Advisor of students of technical middle school in chemistry and of undergraduate students. Co-advisor of postgraduate students.
- Courses, workshops and training.
- Chemistry of Natural Products;
- Phytochemistry;
- Counter Current Chromatography (HSCCC).
- Study of essential oils: extraction, fractionation and compounds identification.
- Isolation of bioactive compounds;
- Development of methodologies for the purification of bioactive compounds;
- Study of Natural Surfactants by surface tension and interfacial tension measurements;
Email: queiroga@unicamp.br
Phone: (+55)19-2139-2860